Even with today’s advanced reproductive technology many are looking to acupuncture treatments when western science alone is not enough. We have known for a long time now that acupuncture is an effective approach for infertility. A study dating back to 2002, published in the journal, Fertility and Sterility, found that adding acupuncture to IVF treatments substantially increased pregnancy success. It’s widely agreed that acupuncture will increase the chances of pregnancy 15 to 20% on its own alone and up to 25% when combined with western medicine.

Acupuncture treatments may work in several ways to improve fertility. Research has shown that acupuncture increases the production of the body’s naturally occurring endorphins that play a role in the menstrual cycle. Most fertility centers that incorporate this therapy tout acupuncture as a powerful hormone regulator. Hormone modulation may be attributed to the stress reduction effects of acupuncture. When under stress the hormone cortisol is released. High levels of cortisol can cause increased visceral fat retention and disrupt pituitary gland balance, both of which may alter the reproductive cycle. Acupuncture is also thought to enhance blood supply to the ovaries, thus increasing the number of eggs available for fertilization. In addition, increased nutrient flow to the uterine lining may decrease the chances of miscarriage.

To prepare the body of women and men for conception, most patients require 1-2 acupuncture treatments per week over just a few weeks to several months. Each treatment lasts 20 – 30 minutes in a soothing, private environment.

 If during your evaluation nutrient imbalance or other functional issue is discovered and needs further evaluation you may be referred in-house to a nurse practitioner or naturopathic physician.

Patient Success Story

 “ I visited Dr. Stagg in 2015 to try acupuncture for infertility. I was diagnosed with severe Asherman’s syndrome (severe uterine scars ) after a post-partum hemorrhage with my second child. I was told it would be difficult to have another child. I had surgery one year prior to acupuncture treatment to break up the scars that filled my uterus. Despite the surgeries, I was still having trouble getting pregnant. I had tried to conceive for about 1 year before my treatment with Dr Stagg. I visited Dr Stagg and had one cycle of fertility acupuncture treatments over a few weeks. It included 4 half hour sessions. I became pregnant over the cycle and 9 months later delivered a healthy baby girl. I would definitely recommend acupuncture as an adjunct treatment for infertility. I have recommended acupuncture to friends and co-workers who are struggling with this issue. I am very grateful to Dr Stagg for helping us complete our family.”
