Healthy Habits for the Holiday Season

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By Dr. Katie DiNello, ND The holiday season is often a time of joy and celebration but can be difficult to navigate when you have specific health goals. Maybe you struggle with metabolic syndrome or diabetes, and don’t know how to enjoy indulgent foods while also maintaining healthy sugar levels. Maybe you struggle with binge eating and feel the need … Read More

Five Natural Ways to Combat Chronic Inflammation

Jen StaggAll CategoriesLeave a Comment

by Dr. Katie DiNello, ND What is inflammation? Inflammation is a normal immune and metabolic response to local traumas, stressors, and pathogens. When the body is exposed to a stressor – such as the common cold – immune cells get activated and release small molecules called cytokines, that create inflammation. How do we measure inflammation? There are several ways to … Read More

Dr. Clark’s Collagen Protein Energy Bites

Jen StaggAll Categories, Diet & Weight Loss, Food, Recipes, Sports Nutrition, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

Dr. Clark’s Collagen Protein Energy Bites

Protein energy bites can be a delicious way to get a quick, energizing snack, that’s not only packed full of healthy fats and protein, but also feels like a dessert! This recipe was created in a way to optimize the good stuff and keep sugar low—only 1.4 g sugar per bite! It is naturally gluten-free, but if you are particularly … Read More

6 Reasons Why You Can Still Have Symptoms in Celiac Disease after Gluten Elimination

Jen StaggAll Categories, Children, gastrointestinal, Uncategorized, WellnessLeave a Comment


By Aylah Clark, ND Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease where gluten consumption triggers an inflammatory response and damage to the intestines. It is caused by a complex interaction between genetic predisposition, intestinal microbiome, environment, and immune system. Symptoms & Diagnosis Symptoms can vary widely but can include gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, and mouth sores, but … Read More

How to Use Nutrition to Help Combat Addiction

Jen StaggAll Categories, Cardiovascular, Diet & Weight Loss, Food1 Comment

How to Use Nutrition to Combat Addiction

By Aylah Clark, ND Though the rates of cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, and cocaine use have declined in recent years, addiction to these and other substances continue to be a serious problem. Sometimes addiction can even start with a prescribed medication that may have been very beneficial to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life at the time. 2.5% of … Read More

Forest Medicine & The Science Behind Shinrin-Yoku

Jen StaggAll Categories, WellnessLeave a Comment

Source: Unsplash, Kevin Young

By Aylah Clark, ND Less than 0.01% of our species existence has been in our modern, urbanized surroundings. (1) Throughout the 99.99% of our species’ time before this urbanization, we had many more interactions with nature and subsequent adaptations of our immune system, genetic expression, microbiota ecosystem, and stress response. Our bodies respond to airborne plant compounds and work in symbiosis with microorganisms. Our … Read More

5 Steps to Ending Your Screen Addiction

Jen StaggAll Categories, WellnessLeave a Comment

Screen Addiction

By Aylah Clark, ND How often do you check your phone? Do you ever think you feel your phone vibrating but it wasn’t? Do you look at your phone to check the time and end up spending 10 minutes on Facebook, finding you never actually looked at the time? Have you eaten across the table from someone who spent more … Read More

The Role of Inflammation in Body Weight: An Intro to the Biology of Fat

Jen StaggAll Categories, Diet & Weight Loss, ImmuneLeave a Comment

Inflammation and Body Fat

By Aylah Clark, ND Inflammation comes up a lot in my practice. It promotes many chronic diseases and correlates with worsening signs and symptoms whether it be autoimmune disease, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, or others. Inflammation is also intrinsically tied to obesity and this connection is well-established.  How are inflammation and body weight related and what can we do about it? What is inflammation? … Read More