Almost Half-way There! Woke up invigorated this morning! Something strange is going on here… First of all I got up before my alarm went off. I had my Ultra Clear Renew shake and then I started to get ready for work. I felt so good that I stretched and did some yoga and since I was feeling so spunky I … Read More
Day 3: Let the eliminations begin!
By: Allison Reynolds Breakfast today was an Ultra Clear Renew shake and two Advaclear capsules. Amazingly, I did not wake up hungry! I woke up feeling a bit tired but nothing out of the ordinary. I made myself a green tea and hit the road! Mid-morning snack is 1 banana with Vietnamese cinnamon. I thought for sure I would need … Read More
Day 2: My 10 Day Detox Journey
By: Allison Reynolds I woke up this morning and felt great! I had a glass of water and my green tea first thing. For breakfast I made oatmeal for myself and both of my kids. I added in some Vietnamese cinnamon, coconut milk and ½ a banana. I thought it was delicious but the kids felt it was a little … Read More
My 10 Day Detox Journey
By: Allison Reynolds It all started Sunday afternoon. After my daughter and I read through the Metagenics 10 day Clear Change booklet over and over we finally felt capable enough to do the grocery shopping to start our journey to better health. We were excited to go through the aisles and look at all of our options. It was fun … Read More
Spring Salad
This has been one of my favorite dishes to make and enjoy in the spring, as soon as the fresh asparagus appears in the produce section. It’s really simple to make, gluten-free/dairy free, low glycemic load and tastes delicious!! Hope you enjoy! Ingredients 2 ½ tsp. fresh lemon juice ½ tsp. kosher salt 2 tsp. olive oil ½ tsp. pepper … Read More
Staying Warm with Herbal Teas
By: Dr. Kimberly Roycroft The deep freeze is on! Its weeks like these that make us want to curl up with a cozy blanket beside the fire with a steaming cup of hot chocolate and watch the day pass. But before you decide to reach for that cup of cocoa think about trying an herbal tea instead. Herbal teas have … Read More
Fiber for your Health
The Role of Fiber Early in the 20th century, the refinement of wheat flour became popular and for the first time in history, people in the western hemisphere, especially the United States, were eating white flour products and far fewer whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits or other sources of dietary fiber. After only a few decades, serious medical conditions, … Read More
Breakfast Guide for Kids
The single most important meal of the day. This meal is breaking the fast of overnight sleep – the longest stretch your kids go without eating anything. This meal can really impact your child in so many ways. Every Well Child Visit that I do I get a detailed diet history and review it looking for protein, fat, fiber, calcium … Read More
Greek your Diet
Numerous studies have shown the Mediterranean diet, in particular the diet of people in parts of Greece and Italy, to be beneficial for heart health, skin health and mental health. Here are seven ways to Greek Your Diet for longevity and health: Let’s start with the basics: Olive Oil. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the highest quality, least processed, and … Read More
Healthy School Lunches
Lunch is an area that you can make a huge difference in your child’s health. Lunch provides them with the nutrition to get them through the rest of their school day. Think about the nutritional requirements for your child’s learning, energy, social and emotional needs. These requirements should be met with …lots of protein rich foods, fruits/vegetables and whole grains. … Read More